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Current Ziepod Version : 0.91 (BETA)
Release Date : November, 2005

New Items :
  • Search Podcasts from inside Ziepod
  • Search Episodes in specific language
  • Gecko Render Support for embedded browsing
  • New Default download directory : 'My Ziepod Downloads' under 'My Documents'
  • Listing downloaded episodes in 'Home' tab
  • Podcast export into OPML
  • Auto Mark As Read for focused item in the episode listing(w/Timer)
  • Multiple Selection of items in the episode listing
  • Updates:
  • Customized Scrollbar for 'Folders' tab
  • In Episode Context Menu : 'More Download' replaced with 'Download Options'
  • Color of links in auto generated show notes changed to make it more distinguisable
  • Right-click in 'Folders' tab without actually selecting but just focusing
  • Active downloads and synchronizations are shown in bold.
  • Drop-Shadow for episode tooltips
  • Better network related error reporting
  • Confirmation dlg, which pops up while deleting posts, has been removed
  • If deleted post has associated downloaded file, get confirmation if it should be deleted
  • Removed Bugs:
  • Random and At-Close Crashes minimized till almost none.
  • While downloading episodes, CPU usage sometimes climbs up to 100%
  • Bug related to number of simultaneous download and sync
  • Sometimes 'Folders' Tab comes out empty
  • For some podcasts, Ziepod showed duplicate entries. Those cases has been eliminated.
  • Automated unread count update for podcasts and folders.
  • In some cases, search couldn't have been cancelled properly
  • When minimized, content of popup notifier cleared
  • In 'Search' tab, 'Add into Download List' option was acting as 'Download' option
  • Sometimes scrollbar didn't let user to see the all listed items.
  • For large posts, DB failed to save them properly. This crucial bug has been removed.
  • Remove episode from download list if it is deleted
  • Dead items in download list are not visible any longer
  • In some cases, ziepod icon disappeared from system tray
  • In 'Tasks' tab, bug in 'Pause All Downloads' has been removed
  • Bug in search results navigation has been removed
  • Bug in OPML import has been removed
  • Memory Leaking minimized as much as possible

  • Special Note:

    * Some of the bugs listed above may not be removed completely since they occur very rarely. If you encounter any, please let us know. Plus, there are also other small bugs that not listed above.

    * Since we couldn't make our indexing module stable enough, we disabled 'Search inside Ziepod' feature till further notice. It was causing frequent random crashes.

    * Starting with version 0.91, Ziepod will place downloaded files into podcasts specific folders located under 'My Ziepod Downloads'. This base download folder is placed under 'My Documents' folder of active Windows user. This base folder cannot be customized with this release. If you like, you can delete downloaded files, but changing folder hierarchy under this base folder is not recommended.

    * Some of the bugs has been reported in detail by our dedicated users and thanks to those reports, we started to investigate and debug them. Hence, our special thanks goes to Kerry, R.Brian, Oliver, and Dean.

    * Since we haven't updated Ziepod documentation in this release, if you like to learn more about new and updated items listed above, please email us.

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